Thinking Tactics for Getting Unstuck
In-Person Workshop, July 1 in Boston!

Would you like to  join me,
in person, in Boston, Mass.?

Tuesday, July 1, 2025
9:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.
at AC Hotel Boston
225 Albany Street

“Stuck” is a state of mind, but not a figment of your imagination. What gets you “unstuck” is looking at the problems you face from a slightly different perspective. There is always a way forward, but sometimes “forward” is in a different direction from what you assumed.

In most cases, most people get unstuck eventually. But the time you spend stuck is painful, unproductive, and demoralizing. In this program, you will learn tactics for getting unstuck faster — usually within less than 10 minutes — whenever you need to.

In the morning session, we’ll discuss the mechanics of how thinking works so that you can:

  • Normalize getting stuck (it’s unavoidable at times)
  • Recognize the mental causes for getting stuck so you can diagnose the problem quickly
  • Use mental leverage to get your mind moving again, especially when you are pulled in different directions.

In the afternoon session, we’ll turn to cases where you could be contributing to the problem. We’ll discuss how you step away from your assumptions and expectations to look at the situation fresh, and:

  • Catch yourself going down a slippery slope to failure while it’s still easy to correct course
  • Spot blinders that make it difficult for you to figure out constructive steps forward
  • Turn vicious cycles of failure into virtuous cycles of success

This is a highly interactive course, with group and individual exercises. Come prepared with real-life issues to solve during the day.

Sign up now!
Cost: $499

This workshop is a "go"!

Payments made before 3/2 are nonrefundable after that date,
but if you can't make it, we can credit to Thinking Lab membership.

I cannot even begin to express how much the course has helped me so far. I now carry a notebook around with me almost everywhere I go. Anytime I am stuck on a problem I start thinking on paper right away. This has been particularly helpful when it comes to programming. I used to flail quite a bit when I was problem solving. Now I write my goals out, figure out a solution on paper, then get to coding. I still catch myself flailing every now and then but I am stunned by how much of an impact the course has had on me in such a short time.

Joseph Tabenkin

Business Process Analyst, Vancouver BC

stuck cow

I was surprised at how much you can get out of a few minutes thinking about a project — it’s much more than you’d think is possible. This class was well worth the time.

Deb Simpson

Managing Vice President, Institute for Justice

In this class, you will learn:

  • The #1 thinking tool for getting unstuck
  • How to quickly identify exactly why you’re stuck and what to do about it
  • How to transform a sense of tunnel vision and “no choice” into a creative problem solving process

This class reflects my (Jean Moroney’s) distinctive perspective on how the mind works. The problems people have when they get stuck are part motivational, part logical. The remedy lies in learning how to manage your mind so that you can sidestep the motivational problems and get your mind into gear. When you get your head in the game, action follows.

(Note: Most of these testimonials on this page are from an earlier version of the class with 75% overlap in material.)

I was working on a strategy document for my new team and getting stuck. So I pulled out my binder from ‘Tackling Hard Thinking’ and reviewed the Thinking on Paper section. The technique really helped. Thank you.

Randy Henne

Principal Group Program Manager, Microsoft Ireland

“I hired Jean to teach TTGU for project managers at my company. The workshop filled up quickly, leaving several folks on a waiting list. TTGU is a high leverage training. It’s unique in the corporate world, because it teaches fundamental skills that can be applied to any area of life, as opposed to the tactical training for a specific role. My team and I benefited tremendously from the tools. Afterwards, we referenced them regularly in staff meetings and/or the 1:1 coaching sessions I had with them.”

Deborah Sloan

Director of Project Engineering, Sunnyvale, CA

This is a jam-packed, transformational class. Here is what you will learn:

In Unit 1: Debugging Stuck Thinking, you will learn how to get mental leverage when your mind is not functioning well. You will learn a tool for tapping knowledge you already have for getting unstuck…but which you didn’t realize you had or didn’t know how to access.

In Unit 2: Debugging Contrary Motivation, you will learn exactly why conflicting emotions stop you in your tracks and what to do about it. You will learn a self-respectful way to give voice to those contradictions and untangle them quickly.

In Unit 3: Breaking Out of Vicious Cycles, you will learn the secret to creating a virtuous cycle of productivity instead of a vicious cycle that leads to disaster. You’ll learn a powerful tool for spotting how you’re contributing to any vicious cycle, so  you can get out of your own way and move forward.

In Unit 4: Diagnosing Why You’re Floundering, you will learn how to spot the 9 patterns of floundering and get to the root cause immediately, so you can start moving forward toward your goal. Combined with the tools from units 1-3, you’ll have a complete toolkit for getting unstuck in any situation.

This class is not for everyone. None of these tactics are “no-brainers.” If you have no goals, you never get stuck, or you aren’t already committed to putting in effort to getting unstuck, there is no point in taking this class.

But if you want to up your productivity and reduce your stress level, then this class is for you. The tactics from this class ensure your hard work pays off faster.

This class is more than worth the time and money it cost. It will pay for itself in my next one week of work! I was surprised by how, even in just a few minutes of class time using the techniques, I reduced my stress level over an upcoming deadline — and made some actual progress.

W. Dale Stevens, PhD

Neuroscientist, National Institute of Mental Health

ttgu break through wall

Sign up now!
Cost: $499

This workshop is a "go"!

Payments made before 3/2 are nonrefundable after that date,
but if you can't make it, we can credit to Thinking Lab membership.

If you’re thinking you’re too stressed or overwhelmed to devote 8 hours to this workshop, you should especially go.

Katie Brakora

PhD Candidate in Biology, University of California, Berkeley

This is a hands on class. During the class you get a chance to test drive the tactics with individual exercises using situations from your own life. Breakthroughs are common during class exercises.

During the class we will step through a workbook using a combination of lecture, discussion, group exercises, and individual exercises.

Note—I’ll provide paper and pen for the exercises, but if you’re a digital native, please bring your laptop so you can do the exercises!

In addition, you will receive a laminated summary sheet with convenient reminders of how and when to use the tactics, plus PDF access to a 55-page manual with write-ups of the tactics for quick review.

After class, you get the rest of the summer (2 months) in the Thinking Lab, where you can access:

  • Live virtual classes going deeper on the skills
  • Over 100 hours of additional course material
  • Write-ups on dozens of related thinking tactics
  • A “Thinking Day” on Labor Day—a day you can join other Thinking Lab members virtually to work on a high priority project, ask questions of Jean, or just get encouragement to stay on task—a great way to cement your summer learning
  • Unlimited email feedback during your time in the Thinking Lab

Take this workshop! The time invested will be well rewarded. I was surprised at how much can be accomplished in short time periods, and how much my subconscious can tell me if I ask it in the right way. This class empowered me to work on my project and to ‘bust through’ barriers by completing intermediate steps.

Betty Allison

Lewisville, NC

Let’s sum up what you get for your investment:

  • A powerful tool for immediately unlocking your brain and getting it in gear
  • An easy way to uncover the source of conflict and either resolve it immediately or see exactly what you need to do to resolve it
  • The surprising secret to how to get out of your own way without devolving into self-criticism
  • A memorable tool for diagnosing the cause of your own ineffective behavior so you can instantly become more effective
  • A chance to test drive the tactics on your own decisions during the workshop
  • Surprising insights into how to use what you already know more effectively
  • A detailed workbook for doing exercises
  • Soft Copy of The Thinker’s Toolkit
  • A 2-page summary sheet for quick reference
  • Complimentary membership in the Thinking Lab* after the class for 2 months so you can get more tactics, more practice, and more help, culminating with a Thinking Day on Labor Day.

*Note: Those already enrolled in the Thinking Lab for the two months will get an alternate bonus: One Quick Consult with Jean. This is a short phone call for help on any issue, a perk usually reserved for Mentoring Level members.

I went into the Thinking Tactics workshop with a couple of problems to think about, one which I thought was unsolvable. I worked on it in one of the exercises—and now I see what to do. Jean gave me a method to follow.

Jim McCrory

Lawyer, Albuquerque, NM

I was impressed with how much the membership in the Thinking Lab added value to the workshop. The thinking tips and teleclasses were very helpful for reviewing the tactics we learned in the class and applying them to real life problems. This package is a great a value, well worth the money.

Gulsun Akanayigit

Financial Analyst, New York, NY

Excellent! Well worth the money! The workshop was instrumental in getting me going on an important long-term project. It helped me identify the real reason I was stalled, which wasn’t what I expected. The fact that it wasn’t going anywhere was causing me a great deal of stress. Now it’s moving forward.

Dawn Bacak

Houston, Texas

Still unsure? Here’s my money-back guarantee:
If you have not already discovered one way you can be significantly more effective by the end of the first unit, you can walk out then with a 100% refund. So what are you waiting for?

Image of spark and lines of light from the mind

Free 1-hour Sample Webinar

Own Your Motivation: 3 Keys to Getting “Reason” and “Emotion” Working Together is a free class recently held on how to switch gears and get your head motivated in a more constructive direction when you feel the impulse to procrastinate, micromanage, or any other dubious action.

I guarantee, if you like Own Your Motivation, you will find Thinking Tactics for Getting Unstuck even more valuable. Click here to find out more.

Sign up now!
Cost: $499

This workshop is a "go"!

Payments made before 3/2 are nonrefundable after that date,
but if you can't make it, we can credit to Thinking Lab membership.

I use ‘Thinking Tactics’ for a lot of day-to-day activities at work. They’re great tools to have available. Before I took the class, I might delay working on a problem when I got stuck, and move on to something else. Now I know what to look for and what to do. I’ve not had an instance where I haven’t been able to come up with a solution using the tactics. Thanks for a great life lesson.

Brett Crawford

Automotive Engineering, Detroit, Michigan

It’s not enough to just understand why you get stuck and how to get unstuck. To transform the way you work requires automatizing this new approach. It is not enough to understand the ideas. You need to apply them, across a range of issues, so that you gain confidence that you can handle anything. That only happens with systematic practice. The tactics give you a straightforward way to practice the new approach in real life whenever you face a challenge. They are like scaffolding: they help you temporarily climb to new heights, so you can build a tall structure that will raise you up even higher.

And that’s why I always include time in the Thinking Lab after the class — so that you have support to further learn, practice, and automatize this approach.

Sign up now and learn how to take the focused actions that will ensure you stay unstuck every day.

Note: The Boston workshop is being scheduled at a convenient time and in a convenient place for those attending the Ayn Rand Institute’s OCON conference in Boston, which is being held in The Westin Copley Place, 10 Huntington Avenue, Boston, MA 02116.

I have done this several times before in conjunction with previous OCONs. As part of my support for that organization, and for my appreciation that they have assembled a big part of the audience I am targeting, I will donate 25% of the net proceeds to ARI.

I’ve known for a long time that if I’m stuck I’m not asking the right question. Now I know how to start.

Cathy Moya

Lead Technical Writer, Microsoft

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