Search Results for "commit"
Natural Explanations for Some Mysterious Phenomena

Natural Explanations for Some Mysterious Phenomena

As part of the work I do to help people master the use of their own minds to achieve important goals, I occasionally find myself in the role of a "debunker." Many people don't understand how the subconscious works and they treat its influence on their lives as a kind...

Concentrating at Home

Concentrating at Home

Thanks to Covid-19, many people are being asked to work at home. I thought I'd share a few thoughts on how to concentrate at home in the present circumstances. Some of the concentration challenges at home are obvious. There are clear distractions: Your family and your...

Tactic: Transforming the Pain of Unmet Needs

Tactic: Transforming the Pain of Unmet Needs

Tactic: Transforming the Pain of Unmet Needs I’m writing this during the coronavirus crisis. A lot of people are suffering. A lot of people are in emotional pain. So I thought I would share a powerful technique for reducing one’s suffering, called “Transforming the...

My Vision for Personal Communication

My Vision for Personal Communication

An important way you grow in the middle of challenges is to choose the person you want to be. This is not as easy as it might seem. I find it’s always helpful to put the vision into writing, spelling out what I want, in entirely positive terms. I recently did this for...

Adopting the Priorities Mindset

Adopting the Priorities Mindset

One of my top life lessons learned is: if you want to create your dream life, you must stay ruthlessly committed to identifying and pursuing your top priority at each choice-point during the day. I call this "The Priorities Mindset." It took me years to truly learn...

Case Study: A Value-Orientation and an Uh-Oh Log

Case Study: A Value-Orientation and an Uh-Oh Log

Two days ago, I got my email inbox down to zero, for the first time in at least 18 months. Several times in the last few months, I had gotten down to 40 lagging emails, but never to zero. The story of my getting to zero is a case study in how a change in attitude then...

How to Make Yourself Do Something…or Not

How to Make Yourself Do Something…or Not

People often ask me how to make themselves do something they think they're supposed to do. As a public service, I will answer that question. To make yourself do something, you need to shut out any thoughts that conflict with taking the action. That includes any...

Your Goals Create the Garden You Live In

Your Goals Create the Garden You Live In

One of my friends has a beautiful flower garden behind her house. Every flower, plant, and object is there by design. The planning of a garden is a perfect analogy to setting your goals for the year.  First, you don't make plans for a garden or set next year's goals...

B- Work

B- Work

In a recent coaching call, one of the participants in Launch 2021 shared that he was overscheduled. He had added in an "artist's date," three hours of drawing work, to an already busy schedule. He was enjoying the drawing time, but now it seemed that every minute of...

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