Search Results for "commit"
Raising Baseline Happiness

Raising Baseline Happiness

In preparation for a new series of classes on "The Work of Happiness" in the Thinking Lab, I have been doing some high-level thinking about how you raise your baseline happiness. As I wrote in How Do You Measure Happiness?, your "baseline happiness" is the overall...

Clearing Emotional Baggage About Flip-Flopping on a Decision

Clearing Emotional Baggage About Flip-Flopping on a Decision

        I recently answered a query on LinkedIn: New LinkedIn data shows that the number of “boomerangs,” or employees who left a company for a certain amount of time and then returned, is rising — and it’s even higher at top employers.   We’d...

A Big Goals List

A Big Goals List

Everyone can benefit from making a list of 25 amazingly big goals they wish they could accomplish in their lives. What counts as an "amazingly big goal"? By an "amazingly big goal," I mean something that seems audacious to you to set as a goal. It is something you...

Thinking Lab Current Classes

Thinking Lab Current Classes

Thinking Lab Current Classes All Thinking Lab classes, bonus recordings, Thinking Day recordings, and Q&A call recordings will be posted to the Thinking Lab Current Classes podcast as they occur and will remain in the podcast for about 3 months. The recordings are...

To Resolve or Not to Resolve

To Resolve or Not to Resolve

Do not make any New Year's Resolutions this year. At least, not unless you're mentally ready for the commitment. How can you tell? Here are three tests: Test 1: Is your goal concrete and specific? A goal to do "more" with friends is vague. It would be better to plan...

Getting More Emotional Impact from Good Things that Happen in Life

Getting More Emotional Impact from Good Things that Happen in Life

Some years ago I recommended the daily practice of identifying three good things that happen each day. This idea, which I got from Martin Seligman, helps you develop a more optimistic mindset. The original tip is also on the blog. In addition to making you more...

Thinking Lab Current Classes

Thinking Lab Coaching

For technical support, including help scheduling a consult or logging onto Zoom, email Susi Sheridan at For questions about your subscription, including upgrading, downgrading, or canceling a subscription, or buying a guest subscription for...

What’s So Hard About Managing Time?

What’s So Hard About Managing Time?

It's simple. "I need to manage my time" is a euphemism for "I am choosing not to spend time on important stuff." Sometimes the "important stuff" is work. Sometimes it's rest or recreation or relationships. But if you're dissatisfied with how you spend your time, your...

How an “Urge Jar” Can Help You Follow Through on Your Intentions

How an “Urge Jar” Can Help You Follow Through on Your Intentions

While doing a competitive analysis to build my business, I checked out the Self-Coaching Scholars program created by Brooke Castillo. It looked interesting, so I joined and have been educating myself in her methods. One of the new tools I’ve adopted is the use of the...

How Much Time Is a Problem Worth? 3 Minutes, 15 Minutes, More?

How Much Time Is a Problem Worth? 3 Minutes, 15 Minutes, More?

The #1 general-purpose problem-solving tactic I teach is "Thinking on Paper." If you are not familiar with it, get my freebie, "Thinking Directions Starter Kit." If you are confused, overloaded, uncertain, blank, conflicted, or stuck in any way, I recommend you turn...

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