Search Results for "commit"
Labor Day 2024

Labor Day 2024

Achieve a Major Goal in 8 Weeks:
Now is always a good time to revisit a resolution, start a new project, or just double down on a goal you’ve set for yourself. Accelerate your project by joining me for the latest Launch. […]

Book Recommendation: Never Finished by David Goggins

Book Recommendation: Never Finished by David Goggins

Ayn Rand said man is "a being of self-made soul." David Goggins is a man of self-designed soul. At a young age, he literally looked into a mirror and decided he didn't like what he saw. He embarked on a journey to turn himself into the kind of man he wanted to be. He...

Case Study: New Year’s Resolutions

Case Study: New Year’s Resolutions

New Year's Resolutions. How often do they turn out to be empty rhetoric? A resolution is a special kind of goal. It is not just a one-time target, like doubling sales for the year. When you make a resolution to lose weight or stop smoking, your goal is to change your...

Setting Standing Orders

Setting Standing Orders

I'm a believer in using checklists and notes as memory aids. But sometimes you need to be able to rely on your own memory. This is particularly true for things you want to remember every time, like: Remember the car keys. Pronounce that word PREF-ur-u-buul, not...

Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

At Thinking Directions, we are committed to protecting the privacy of all visitors to our Web site by creating an environment where you feel safe to share your information with us.  Your personal information, and the information of all Thinking Directions visitors is...

Strengthening Self-Control

Strengthening Self-Control

The WSJ had an article once on "How to Keep a Resolution." One of the suggestions was to strengthen your self-control. Here's the relevant section: "It may be possible to strengthen your self-control before starting your resolution by exercising it on small tasks.......

What is Missing from Your Plan for the Day?

What is Missing from Your Plan for the Day?

Do you take 15 minutes to plan each and every day? I strongly recommend you do so. 15 minutes is enough time to let you review your calendar and consider your priorities. 15 minutes is enough time to get an overview so that you know what matters most today. 15 minutes...

Four Ways to Act in the Face of Conflict

Four Ways to Act in the Face of Conflict

Whenever we experience a conflict, it can be difficult to figure out how to move forward. On the one hand, it is never right to mindlessly suppress what you think is “emotion” and go by “reason.” On the other hand, it is never right to mindlessly go by “emotion” and...

Dealing with Earned Guilt Loops

Dealing with Earned Guilt Loops

Guilt is the emotion that you feel when you believe you have failed to live up to your own moral standards. It is perhaps the most enervating emotion. It makes you want to curl up in a little ball to block it out and avoid it. But that is the worst thing you can do....

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