Speed Your Mental Evolution — Be Mentored by Jean Moroney

The Mentoring Level of Membership in the Thinking Lab

Using the tools and tactics taught in the Thinking Lab, you learn to manage your mind, grow your knowledge, and integrate your values. Once you have mastered the basics, you may want to go deeper to:

  • Take any friction out of using the tactics by learning to apply them on principle
  • Transform your value hierarchy to align your values with your goals and aspirations
  • Understand the fundamental psychological facts underlying the tactics so you can better use the tactics, adapt them, build on them, and share them

This is what I aim to offer you in the mentoring level of membership in the Thinking Lab. I will give my personal attention to your specific challenges. We will work together to get to the bottom of any issue and ensure you understand the principles and can better apply them next time.

What you get — flexible access to my mind to help work on your issue

My personal attention takes the form of 5 perks that are not available to regular members of the Thinking Lab:

  • Next business day responses on emails — and a proportional response to your email — not just a one-liner
  • Private 10-minute “Quick Consults” scheduled within 24 hours of your texting me to give you laser one-on-one coaching*
  • Master Classes in the Thinking Lab tailored to your topic, with homework designed for you, direct feedback on your work, and discussion and coaching with you during the class*
  • Your choice of the time and date for the master classes (starting as early as 11:00 a.m. ET or as late as 8:00 p.m. ET)
  • One-on-one coaching calls (50-minutes)

If you want one-one-one access to me, this is the only way to get it. I do not offer one-on-one coaching anymore. If you want flexible access to me, this is the only way to get it. If you want to discuss in-depth any material I talk about but haven’t published, this is the way to make it happen.

*Note: When you sign up for a year, you get 4 mentoring credits, to be used roughly quarterly. One credit can be used for a Master Class OR three Quick Consults. A one-on-one coaching session is 2 credits. Additional credits can be purchased ad hoc for an additional fee.

Upgrade to the Mentoring Level

Apply Now — Only $1750/yr 

The application process is easy. Send an email answering these questions:

  • Why are you interested in the mentoring level of membership?
  • What thinking tactics are you already comfortable with?
  • What are “the basics” that I teach as you see it?
  • What else might be relevant? E.g., your goals, situation, learning style, etc.

We've even prefilled the email with the questions:

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Upgrade to the Mentoring Level

Apply Now — Only $1750/yr 

The application process is easy. Send an email answering these questions:

  • Why are you interested in the mentoring level of membership?
  • What thinking tactics are you already comfortable with?
  • What are “the basics” that I teach as you see it?
  • What else might be relevant? E.g., your goals, situation, learning style, etc.

We've even prefilled the email with the questions:

Apply Now!

My motives in offering the mentoring level

This is an exciting time in my work. I realized recently that I have a new approach to psychology based on Objectivism, the philosophy of Ayn Rand. This was quite a surprise, because I set out to understand how to manage thinking, not the whole field. What I learned is that every aspect of psychology — not just cognition, but also motivation and voluntary motor action — needs to be understood from the aspect of the interaction between the conscious mind and the automatic functions of memory and affect. As a result, I have:

  • An original model of how knowledge is stored in memory, including the role of perception, affect, and voluntary action
  • A new conception of the role of emotions in human life
  • A theory of motivation that radically simplifies our understanding of motivational problems
  • A causal explanation for how the choice to focus results in volitional control over action and motivation
  • A hypothesis for how the conceptual level develops in stages from birth through the ability to think in principle

This integrated perspective is very new. It came together in 2024 very suddenly — after 30 years of effort — though I had been drawing on it implicitly for about 5 years or so.

To make it fully objective, I need to apply the ideas to a wide range of concretes and explain it to a lot of people. But most people just want advice; they don’t want to understand the tactics in terms of fundamentals. I need a cohort of people who want me to “nerd out” on the details so they can understand the advice more deeply and then do it for themselves. I need people who will work with the fundamental ideas, asking questions about them so I can find the areas that need to be explained further and challenge them with their own experiences, if appropriate.

This is what the master classes will permit me to do, using planned evolution. I’ll start with a 20-minute mini-presentation, to explain the issues, in principle, in a way that everyone can take in. Then I will discuss the ideas in relation to a real issue of the mentee, the one they raised. This should be helpful for everyone — those who are just interested in application, and those who are more interested in the theory. The last portion of the master class will be pure application, open to anyone at any level who has questions or issues on the topic.

In particular, I see mentoring as the means whereby I will learn to teach something I’ve discovered but haven’t yet fully explained: how and when you can intentionally change your psychology. First you need to learn to make rational decisions. Then you need to learn to self-direct to follow through on those decisions. Once you have mastered those skills, you can, if you choose to, strategically shift your value hierarchy. We’ve already started on this endeavor in the first master classes in the program.

Is this for you?

As a result of my motives, this program is designed for people who have already learned the basic tactics taught in the Thinking Lab and are looking for something more in-depth.

➔ If you are new to the Thinking Lab, I recommend you spend a few months working through the self-study courses before upgrading.

➔ If you have trouble getting yourself to use the tactics, I recommend you join the next Launch program. You will learn everything you need to know about managing motivation, in the context of pursuing a goal that is important to you. That program has two 2 group coaching calls a week with me, plus many other resources. It is designed to teach you the basics as you go.

If you need a more flexible schedule or you just don’t want to share your issues in public, then I recommend one-on-one coaching with Lin Zinser. You can hold one, two, three, or four coaching calls a month with her. She can teach you the tactics and help you apply them to your issues.

➔ If what you really want is a trusted advisor and a voice of rationality, someone with a distinctly value-oriented point of view whom you can talk with regularly about issues in-depth, then one-on-one coaching with Lin Zinser may be exactly what you need. She is a huge asset to her coachees and has been very effective in helping them orient to values.

On the other hand, if you have the basics, and you want to take your skills to the next level, the mentoring level could be a great option for you.

Think you might want 1:1 coaching with Lin? Get a free 20-minute consult with her to discuss it.

Free 20-minute consult with Lin Zinser

Space is limited

My time is limited. I can only handle about 10 mentees at a time. To make sure I am using those slots effectively, I am doing two things to limit enrollment:

1) I am only offering this as a one-year commitment of $1750. This includes all of the perks of regular membership in the Thinking Lab (a $900 value) plus 4 credits, to be used roughly quarterly. One credit can be used for one Master Class or three Quick Consults. (Extra credits can be purchased for $250 each.)

2) I have a simple application process. If you are interested in upgrading to be mentored by me, email me the answers to these 3 questions:

  • Why are you interested in the mentoring level of membership?
  • What thinking tactics are you already comfortable with? What are “the basics” as you see it?
  • What else might be relevant? E.g., your goals, situation, learning style, etc.

We’ll discuss your potential membership by email, and if I have a slot for you, I’ll send you a payment link to join. (We will adjust the payment to deduct any existing Thinking Lab subscription credit.)

Are you ready to make a rational psychology the operating system for your mind? Apply Today!

Upgrade to the Mentoring Level

Apply Now — Only $1750/yr 

The application process is easy. Send an email answering these questions:

  • Why are you interested in the mentoring level of membership?
  • What thinking tactics are you already comfortable with?
  • What are “the basics” that I teach as you see it?
  • What else might be relevant? E.g., your goals, situation, learning style, etc.

We've even prefilled the email with the questions:

Apply Now!

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I schedule a quick consult? Text me. (I’ll give you my cell number when you join.) Tell me what windows you have to talk in the next 24 hours, and I’ll pick a time. I’ll remind you to send me something by email explaining the issue you want to discuss, so that we can make the best use of our 10 minutes. You’ll call me at the appointed time.

Will quick consults be recorded? No.

How do I schedule a master class? Email me and I’ll tell you available dates in the next few months. Normally these will be Tuesdays. If you can’t make any Tuesdays, I’ll offer you some Thursdays. We’ll figure out a date. Then you’ll choose a time. See the FAQ on Master Classes for more information. You’ll need to send in a topic at least 8 days in advance, we’ll negotiate the description, and then I recommend you also do the homework I concoct for you and send it to me in advance.

What happens if I need to reschedule a master class? I can reschedule the time of day as late as 1 week in advance. I can change to another day that same week as late as 2 weeks in advance. I can move you to a different week as late as 4 weeks in advance. But barring a bona fide emergency, if you have to reschedule with less notice than this, you will lose the credit.

When do I need to use the credits by? All credits need to be used within the 1-year term of your membership. Ideally, you will use about one credit a quarter. You can use them faster than that, but if you use them slower than that, you may lose the option of scheduling a master class with one of them. (You could still use it for Quick Consults.) I will let you know if there is a deadline for scheduling a master class or else losing that option. I will be reaching out to schedule from time to time, especially between Launches, since I have more time between Launches.

What will happen to the recording of the master class? It will be posted to the Current Classes podcast, where it will be available to all Thinking Labbers for about three months. In some cases, I’ll decide a master class would make a good bonus recording for one of the self-study courses. If so, I’ll ask you if you are okay with that before adding it.

Can I request an edit of the recording of the master class? If you want something cut from your master class, please tell me IMMEDIATELY, either during class or immediately afterwards. It is sometimes posted within a couple of hours of being held. I don’t promise to be able to edit the recording, but it is not out of the question if there is some urgent reason to edit it.

Upgrade to the Mentoring Level

Apply Now — Only $1750/yr 

The application process is easy. Send an email answering these questions:

  • Why are you interested in the mentoring level of membership?
  • What thinking tactics are you already comfortable with?
  • What are “the basics” that I teach as you see it?
  • What else might be relevant? E.g., your goals, situation, learning style, etc.

We've even prefilled the email with the questions:

Apply Now!

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