A Value Orientation
Getting More Emotional Impact from Good Things that Happen in Life

Getting More Emotional Impact from Good Things that Happen in Life

Some years ago I recommended the daily practice of identifying three good things that happen each day. This idea, which I got from Martin Seligman, helps you develop a more optimistic mindset. The original tip is also on the blog. In addition to making you more...

The Alternative to a “No Choice” Rule

The Alternative to a “No Choice” Rule

I am halfway through The Beck Diet Solution: Train Your Brain to Think Like a Thin Person. Judith Beck's exercises, combined with MyFitnessPal, are helping me adhere to a lose-a-pound-a-week diet. I don't agree with everything in the book, but I give it a qualified...

You always have a choice

You always have a choice

Whenever I hear myself or someone else saying, "I have no choice," I challenge that idea. You always have a choice -- and owning your power of choice has huge benefits. When you think you have no choice, that just means you've ruled out the other options that you see....

A Value-Based Approach to Interrupting Others

A Value-Based Approach to Interrupting Others

A friend once told me about a man he knew who never interrupted. Call him the super listener. You could go to this super listener for business advice, and he would sit and listen to you as you talked and talked, never interrupting. Then when you were finished...

Introspect So You Can Take Action

Introspect So You Can Take Action

A member of the Thinking Lab came to a consult the other day to discuss a situation from work that was bothering him. I blithely suggested he needed introspective work — meaning he needed to identify the deep rational values at stake underlying his feelings. I suspect...

Picking Favorites

Some years ago, I attended a seminar on "The Art of Introspection." The speaker (Psychologist Edwin Locke) encouraged the audience to consciously pick favorites. Wherever you are--in a hotel lobby, at work, watching a movie, reading an article--pick your favorite...

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