Planning for the New Year and Beyond

Planning for the New Year and Beyond

What are your long-range goals? That is, goals that will take a year or more to achieve? If you already have long-range goals, now is a good time to take stock. How will you make significant progress toward them in the weeks and months ahead? The longer-range the...

Confidence versus Optimism

Confidence versus Optimism

Confidence is a crucial aspect of happiness. In this article, I will resume my series on the "Concept of Happiness” with a focus on confidence. As a reminder of the context, happiness comes from the achievement of your values. Not a value. Your values. You need to...

FAQ: What Is Defensiveness?

FAQ: What Is Defensiveness?

If you've been reading my newsletter for a long time, you know I advocate motivating yourself by values, not threats. In the simplest cases, this just requires introspecting your obvious emotions to identify the values landscape, meaning the values around you and the...

The Weekly Review

The Weekly Review

The very first article I wrote for my newsletter was a book recommendation for David Allen's book Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress-Free Productivity. That was 2004. Recently I realized that I had misunderstood the utility of a key tool from his system — the...

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