Gain Momentum with an Initiative
If you lack momentum on some project, that means your goal or the path to your goal is vague in some way. It is not enough to have a generalized idea of the outcome and the steps involved. You need clarity regarding how your steps will get you from here to there. If...
Planning for the New Year and Beyond
What are your long-range goals? That is, goals that will take a year or more to achieve? If you already have long-range goals, now is a good time to take stock. How will you make significant progress toward them in the weeks and months ahead? The longer-range the...
Book Recommendation: Never Finished by David Goggins
Ayn Rand said man is "a being of self-made soul." David Goggins is a man of self-designed soul. At a young age, he literally looked into a mirror and decided he didn't like what he saw. He embarked on a journey to turn himself into the kind of man he wanted to be. He...
Book Recommendation: Outlive by Peter Attia
I purchased Outlive by Peter Attia just a few weeks ago. As a result of reading it, I have already materially upgraded my diet and exercise regimes. The book gave me a new clarity about my health priorities, which created instant motivation. I recommend Outlive to...
Confidence, Certainty, and Understanding Your Own Motivation
In the previous article in this series, I said that confidence is the emotion that proceeds from the conclusion that you have sufficient skill that your current or proposed effort will result in success. But if the task is at all difficult, how can you reach such a...
Confidence versus Optimism
Confidence is a crucial aspect of happiness. In this article, I will resume my series on the "Concept of Happiness” with a focus on confidence. As a reminder of the context, happiness comes from the achievement of your values. Not a value. Your values. You need to...
Stopping and Starting: Why It Can Be Hard to Make Transitions
Over the years, I have written several articles on how to do a mental cleanup when you need to stop a task prematurely to get started on something else. And I've also written about warming up your mental circuits to get started from a cold start. I reviewed how to...
Defense Values, Anti-Values, and “Pseudo-Self-Esteem”
After my recent article on defensiveness, I coached a member of the Thinking Lab who was concerned that productiveness was a defense value for him. He realized that he had a compulsion to prioritize getting things done over every other value — relationships, health,...
FAQ: What Is Defensiveness?
If you've been reading my newsletter for a long time, you know I advocate motivating yourself by values, not threats. In the simplest cases, this just requires introspecting your obvious emotions to identify the values landscape, meaning the values around you and the...
FAQ: What is a “Deep Rational Value”?
I aim to teach people to think clearly and logically about value-laden issues. As a means to this end, I exhort my Thinking Labbers to identify "deep rational values" [Footnote 1] at stake in every confusing situation. This is critical to your short- and long-term...