Embracing Life Through Values

Life is an adventure if you know how to maintain a rationally positive attitude toward whatever happens.

A 5-week mini-course with Lin Zinser
Monday, July 17 – Thursday, August 17, 2023

When you’re discouraged, it’s important to maintain an optimistic, constructive, benevolent mindset. You do this by staying focused on values. Such a mindset can be based entirely on the facts of the real world around you, including your own ability to manage your own mind and cope with any intense emotions. In other words, you can create a rationally positive attitude, not by “faking it until you make it” or by ignoring the negatives in the world, but by understanding and accepting your situation more deeply.

In the Thinking Lab, we offer a self-study course on Creating a Rationally Positive Attitude (some parts are available to the public). In this summer’s mini-course, Lin Zinser, head coach for the Thinking Lab, will be taking a deep dive into this important subject.

The 5-week program includes teaching and coaching to help you apply these ideas to your life, including:

  • Four mini-lectures by Lin Zinser on key topics such as maintaining a value orientation and breaking out of a vicious cycle
  • Four group coaching sessions with Lin Zinser
  • Weekly reading and listening assignments using materials from the self-study course by this name in the Thinking Lab
  • Daily thought work
  • Two bonus group coaching calls with Jean Moroney

How it will work:

You will receive a packet with suggested readings and audios from the mini-course Creating a Rationally Positive Attitude. As pre-work before we start on July 17, Lin will ask you to send her your biggest questions about this topic.

The mini-course will kick off with on Monday, July 17, with an introductory class on the key concepts and the #1 tactic to learn to help you on this journey. That will set you up to start daily thought work, which will help you monitor, reflect on, and manage your emotions and thoughts about your situation that day.

On Thursday, July 20, Lin will hold her first group coaching call. This is your chance to ask questions and get coaching to help with your challenges.

During the rest of the program, there will be 3 more mini-lectures (on Mondays) and 5 more group coaching sessions (mainly on Thursdays). (3 of these will be run by Lin, 2 by Jean). On the final group coaching call on Thursday, August 17, there will be a final capturing of takeaways and lessons learned. See the exact schedule in a sidebar on this page.

Embracing Life Through Values

Life is an adventure if you know how to maintain a rationally positive attitude toward whatever happens. In this mini-course, Lin Zinser, head coach for the Thinking Lab, will be taking a deep dive into this important subject.

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If you'd like to be notified when the next session is scheduled, email support@thinkingdirections.com.

Image of a man with upraised arms facing sunrise

Embracing Life Through Values

Life is an adventure if you know how to maintain a rationally positive attitude toward whatever happens. In this mini-course, Lin Zinser, head coach for the Thinking Lab, will be taking a deep dive into this important subject.

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If you'd like to be notified when the next session is scheduled, email support@thinkingdirections.com.

Lin is a warm and empathetic listener. She comes across as a fellow pilgrim on a journey together to apply rational principles to our every day living. This is unlike a previous life coach’s consultation structure, which was like a teacher/student structure without the warmth Lin provides.

Lin’s feedback and suggestions have helped me be more comfortable with myself and feel more optimistic going forward.

Gordon Dickerson, M.D. (Retired)

Medford, OR

Mini-Lecture and Coaching Call Schedule


  • Monday, 7/17, 12 noon ET, Mini-Lecture (Lin)
  • Thursday, 7/20, 3:00 p.m. ET, Group Coaching (Lin)
  • Monday, 7/24, 8:00 p.m. ET, Mini-Lecture (Lin)
  • Thursday 7/27, 12 noon ET, Bonus Group Coaching (Jean)
  • Monday, 7/31, 3:00 p.m., Mini-Lecture (Lin)
  • Thursday, 8/3, 8:00 p.m., Group Coaching (Lin)
  • Monday, 8/7, 12 noon ET, Mini-Lecture (Lin)
  • Thursday, 8/10, 3:00 p.m. ET, Bonus Group Coaching (Jean)
  • Monday, 8/14, 8:00 p.m. ET, Group Coaching (Lin)
  • Thursday, 8/17, 3:00 p.m. ET, Group Coaching (Lin)

Each session with Lin has yielded at least one significant new insight, such as “serial initiatives” when I had a lot going on, or the benefit of defining a goal for my return to work. The prep-work (pre-coaching session emails) can also be surprisingly helpful as a mechanism for gathering my thoughts and revealing new insights for further discussion.

Amy Deese

Engineer, Mims, FL

What makes a positive attitude rational?

In this free teaser class, Lin Zinser and Jean Moroney will discuss what it means to have a rationally positive attitude toward life.

Free 1-Hour Webinar
The event was recently held.

Read more and get the recording!

How do we know this will help you?

Lin Zinser is the head coach of the Thinking Lab, which she has belonged to since its start in 2008. When we started talking about her running a mini-course this summer, she chose this topic as her special expertise.

Why I’m offering this mini-course

One of the biggest transformations in my life came the year that I decided to adopt a rationally positive attitude. I had learned the concepts from Jean, but I realized that I still had a lot of negativity, a lot of the time. In fact, I thought of myself as “the Queen of Negativity.” I needed to be able to see values around me — when for a while I couldn’t.

I was in the Thinking Lab, using Jean’s tools and techniques. And I created my own daily routine using her materials. Plus of course, I got coaching from Jean.

Within a relatively short time, I made the shift. I felt like the sun came out — and it has stayed out ever since. Even in the early dark days of Covid and the lockdowns, I could still see values all around me. I did not get sucked into the paralyzing negativity loop that so many others succumbed to.

In fact, it was during this time that I started coaching for the Thinking Lab. Over the last three years, I’ve seen that I can teach this skill to others.

That said, this is a pilot program. It’s the first mini-course I’ve created for Jean and the Thinking Lab. I’m finding my voice for group coaching (rather than one-on-one). For that reason, we’ve set a very low price for the program. It is one-time good deal!

— Lin Zinser

I (Jean Moroney) saw this transformation in Lin, as we were working together, and her rationally positive attitude is something that her clients often comment on. I think it’s an ideal topic for her first mini-course as part of the Thinking Lab, both because it is an area where she has uniquely personal expertise, and because it is such a fundamental issue that we work on.

This is a pilot program — the first time I have offered a paid course designed and presented by someone else, with minimal participation by me. I’ve been her sounding board on the design. She’s taken what we’ve learned about running the Launch program and adapted it to a shorter, themed mini-course — one that you could make significant progress on in only five weeks.

I’ve seen Lin develop as a private coach, group coach, and speaker, and I think this is going to be an extremely valuable session. Since it is her first such course, all of the testimonials on this page come from her coaching clients. We are offering this as a modestly priced pilot course to encourage you to try it out on this shakedown cruise.

If you’re curious but not sure, check out the free teaser session on “What makes a positive attitude rational?” that she and I will be holding on July 10.

What is the commitment?

To get the most out of this mini-course, we recommend that you schedule 7-10 hours/week. This includes an hour for thought work on most days, live Zoom attendance at least once each week, and some additional time to do readings, catch up on a missed session, or listen to the week’s optional recording.

This is a focused dive into an important subject. If you want to adopt a rationally positive attitude, it will likely challenge some old assumptions and take some concentrated effort. But it’s worth it!

Let’s summarize exactly what you get
You will get access to the materials in the Thinking Lab,* plus the extra coaching and accountability built into the mini-course. This includes:
  • A workbook to guide you in “Creating a Rationally Positive Attitude” (using materials from the self-study course of that name in the Thinking Lab)
  • A simple daily process for re-orienting toward values
  • 4 mini-lectures on concepts and techniques with Lin Zinser
  • 6 group coaching calls: 4 with Lin Zinser, and 2 with Jean Moroney

Plus everything else in the Thinking Lab:

  • Monthly: Two new live classes each month on managing your mind
  • Monthly: One open Q&A 
  • Access to 10+ self-study courses, including “Do What Matters Most,” “Tap Your Own Brilliance,” “Just-in-Time Planning,” and “Defining a Central Purpose”
  • Access to a library of more than 50 Thinking Lab Tools that you can use to augment your thought work

*How much time do you get in the Thinking Lab? That depends how early you sign up! You will be added to the Thinking Lab when you register, and your membership will be valid through August 31. Sign up early and take advantage of an extra-long free trial in the Thinking Lab! (This applies to non-members. Ongoing members of the Thinking Lab get a 1-month credit on their subscriptions.)


What makes a positive attitude rational?

In this free teaser class, Lin Zinser and Jean Moroney will discuss what it means to have a rationally positive attitude toward life.

Free 1-Hour Webinar
The event was recently held.

Read more and get the recording!

I really enjoyed the course, especially how Lin worked with each person to find a next step forward. I’m a little biased because I love Lin.
Susan Bowden

Embracing Life Through Values

Life is an adventure if you know how to maintain a rationally positive attitude toward whatever happens. In this mini-course, Lin Zinser, head coach for the Thinking Lab, will be taking a deep dive into this important subject.

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If you'd like to be notified when the next session is scheduled, email support@thinkingdirections.com.

Lin has the ability to listen to me calmly, intelligently, with great respect. She helps me appreciate myself more, think more clearly, be able to deal with my conflicts in everyday life, grow and be happier. My advice to anyone considering having consults with Lin—DO IT!

Wallace Harding

Artist, Cornwall Bridge, CT

Frequently Asked Questions:

I am already in the Thinking Lab. Is this included? No, but you qualify for a $75 discount or a 1-month extension of your subscription, since the fee includes time in the Lab you’ve already paid for. Email Susi for details.

Do I really have to register by  end of day on Sunday, July 16? Yes. The program starts at noon on July 17. This is a short program. If you don’t get the first concepts and started with daily thought work the first week, we don’t think you will get the full benefit of the mini-course.

What are the group coaching calls? The group coaching calls are your chance to ask questions, get personal coaching, and make the material your own. Submit issues in advance — they can be about your daily thought work or any relevant topic. The submissions are due at 11:00 a.m. on the day of the call. Calls are held on Mondays and Thursdays at 12:00 noon, 3:00 p.m., or 8:00 p.m. Eastern. The time varies to accommodate people in different time zones. If you want to know the full schedule, see the sidebar at above right.

Why are Jean’s coaching calls “bonus” calls? Jean’s two bonus group coaching calls were already on the schedule for Deluxe and VIP members of the Thinking Lab. So, we planned this mini-course to take advantage of this fringe benefit.

How does the mini-course relate to the Thinking Lab? As part of the mini-course, you get the whole 5 weeks of the program in the Thinking Lab, so that you have access to all of those resources while you are working toward your goal. This is like a super-charged membership in the Thinking Lab, because there are many more group coaching opportunities. It is a great way to check out the Thinking Lab and see if you want to join.

Embracing Life Through Values

Life is an adventure if you know how to maintain a rationally positive attitude toward whatever happens. In this mini-course, Lin Zinser, head coach for the Thinking Lab, will be taking a deep dive into this important subject.

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If you'd like to be notified when the next session is scheduled, email support@thinkingdirections.com.

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